The Conservation Districts will complete the CACD Resolution form for each resolution they wish to carry to their particular Watershed meeting. (Please provide a copy of each resolution for each of the Districts in attendance at the Watershed meeting.)
At the fall Watershed meetings (usually in August – September time frame), the Watershed will review the proposed resolution(s),and then each District in attendance will have one vote in support of or against the resolution as written. Amendments to the resolution can be discussed and made at this time, but must be done prior to the Watershed vote.
Resolutions that are passed at the Watershed level are due to CACD no later than October 1st, and must be submitted on the CACD Resolution form, in WORD Document format. These resolutions are then presented to the CACD Resolution Committee where they are reviewed and assigned to the appropriate Resource Committee (RC) for review, no later than October 5th. The Resolution Committee also checks the proposed resolutions against current CACD Policy for any duplication.
CACD’s Resolution Committee then assigns the newly proposed resolutions to one of the five Resource Committees for review and discussion, resulting in the RC’s own individual recommendations and vote. The resolutions that have passed through the Resource Committee process will need to be emailed back to CACD’s Resolutions Committee, in Word Document format, no later than October 15th.
CACD’s Executive Director will email all of the proposed resolutions, with the Resource Committee recommendations, out to all the Districts no later than October 20th, so that they may be reviewed by the general membership prior to CACD’s Annual Meeting in November.
Each District that has brought forth a resolution that has passed at the Watershed level, through the Resolution Committee and then through the Resource Committee, should plan for representation at the particular Resource Committee meeting that their resolution has been assigned to, during the week of the Annual Meeting, to provide support and any clarification for their resolution. All of the resolutions will be discussed and voted on by the specific Resource Committees.
Final review and voting by the General Membership, on all resolutions that pass through the Resource Committee process, will be held during the General Assembly portion of the Annual Business meeting.